1 Year on

2010 December 09

Created by Jan 13 years ago
Well, Todays the day....One whole year on where the hell has that gone????.. Are you supposed to feel guilty because you've carried on ? I do. The Boys and Myself have decided that we're going to do things just for Andy. Well, We've had a really good day considering, visited the Jewellery Qtr and had a pint of Guinness and a Bacon and Sausage sarnie just like Andy used to. We then went to Birmingham through the German Market he loved that, and then we visited the Birmingham Art Gallery and Museum where we saw The Staffordshire Hord ..he would have loved that too, finaly we made a Penny in his honour to keep forever. We had a lovely family evening too, just the three of us like the 3 Musketeers !!